Thursday, June 28, 2007

public school memories

I don't know where this originally came from, but I went to public school in Tangipahoa Parish in Louisiana.

In 5th grade, i was sent to the office, and given detention, because i argued with the teacher that Washington state and Washington DC are two different places. She never admitted being wrong, nor would anyone support my insistence that they just happened to have the same name. When i explained what happened to the principal, he said that i must never argue with the teacher, and didn't want to hear about geography. Children were in school to learn obedience.

In 9th grade, i was given lines to write in punishment (because of something that i might have actually done wrong, like refusing to do my homework for no good reason,) that were, "I will obey those in authority because God put there there."

That's just off the top of my head.

One of the weirdest things though, was in my extremely conservative school, was in 4th grade, when Reagan was shot. I didn't like Reagan because my parents didn't, but i was upset when he was shot. My classmates cheered. The whole school was overjoyed. I'm still baffled and a little scared by that. Of course, the Ku Klux Klan was big in the area at the time.

1 comment:

slickdpdx said...

And you're a better man for it! If there were no pricks, who would you kick against?