Wednesday, June 27, 2007

self-absorbed, unsentimental

I never knew that Borges considered Rabelais "abominable." His loss. I still don't know Rabelais too well, but he impresses me. It's no surprise that Borges had no patience for lengthy books though. In fact, he comes off as an opinionated, arrogant asshole. And he has a sense of cruel humor. This is far better than Williamson's mama's boy. Good. I like this. The Borges biography by Adolfo Bioy Casares look to be fantastic.

It also seems a relief that Borges' actual work is never deconstructed. He reveals nothing.

So is it in English translation yet, or this more tantalizing bits to torment lazy people like myself?

(While i own the Williamson biography of Borges, i have not read it. I'm basing my opinion from reviews. Shallow perhaps, but i have other things to read.)

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