Friday, June 29, 2007

squashing Clovis First

It's well and good to read that squash was being cultivated 10,000 years ago in the Americas, in Peru, no less, but if this is solid research, doesn't this completely destroy Clovis first once and for all?

Hunter-gatherers race across the Bering Strait, pour down through North America and Central America, and then decide to start farming?


The first wave of people to arrive in the New World came before 11,500 years ago. Thank you, squash, for another nail in the coffin of that theory.


Unknown said...

The Clovis First theory is quite dead, and has been for some time according to many researchers. This new squash evidence sure does help. The book that convinced me was Dr. Peter N. Jones' book Respect for the Ancestors This is a really comprehensive book covering the peopling of the Americas, including the most recent theories. Clovis is dead for sure.

tulpa golem said...

thank you. I'm not familiar with that book.