Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pamuk's Other Colors

It's great news that the new Pamuk novel The Museum of Innocence is going to be in English translation soon, but Bill pointed out to me the other day that Pamuk has a collection of essays coming out this September, Other Colors. 400 pages is bulky. I feared it was just going to be a slight packaging of his recent work published in the New Yorker. I'm pre-ordering mine as well.


slickdpdx said...

None of my business but I'll ask anyhow. Why don't bill and stanislav post anymore?

tulpa golem said...

Stanislav is all over the place. He's a busy, busy man. He's currently residing in Ohio, and just got back from a trip overseas. I'd guess that it was more fun to him when the blog had mp3s.

Bill is just reading and working. He's around here. I don't know if he remembers he has a login to this site.