Tuesday, July 10, 2007

sin of solitude

Antidisingenuousmentarianism has a comment on the Orhan Pamuk bit on Turkish street food in the New Yorker.

The ad that Pamuk describes reminds me a little of the ad campaign by Hebrew National for kosher hot dogs right before July 4th. Those parachuting cows sound awesome.

(As someone who frequents New Orleans though, i must admit that i never ate a Lucky Dog.)

Damn it. I don't even know a place where i can pick up the New Yorker around here.

Somehow Pamuk turns a piece on simple junk food craving into a meditation on the curse of isolation. I love that lonely bastard.


hillary said...

I've eaten a Lucky Dog, when I was about 15, and I lived!

tulpa golem said...

you're very lucky indeed!

The new Kindercore blog is fantastic incidentally. Cheers to the Team Brown effort involved.

hillary said...

Aw, thanks. We're working up more posts on more movies.

slickdpdx said...

The Abstract is its own small wonder.