Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Vitter's fall is not just hubris

It's not so much fun to blog when one misses a day of work, only to find that if he would have been there in the first place, he'd still be slammed. Being on a computer is not too much fun right now, even if it feels like there's a lot to blog about...

...books, books, and more books. I'm reading some great stuff right now.

However, i want to note something about Vitter. Just because I want him to resign because he is a sanctimonious hypocrite, and hope that a Democrat is named as his replacement, diminishing the power of that weasel Lieberman doesn't mean that I think all of this is a happy accident, a fortuitous comeuppance.

Someone out there mentioned that Vitter voted against Bush's pet immigration bill. I now suspect that the DC Madam is just another pawn in the game, not a random wrinkle. There is a reason why no other lawmakers have turned up on her lists. Vitter is a good target to put the rest of the Republicans in DC back in line. He's not up for reelection until 2010. Jindal is still probably a shoe-in as governor, even with Vitter weighing him down. Louisiana is relatively forgiving about indiscretions, no matter how outrageous. Even if the rumor about Vitter having a diaper fetish turns out to be true, it probably would get shrugged off.

I'd wager Rove has blackmail material on most of DC. Rove and Abramoff are tight, and Vitter is an Abramoff man. Vitter's venality was revealed just to warn everyone else to toe the line when the White House demands it. The DC Madam would not have been able to reveal anything without her chain being loosed.

Yes, i'm full of paranoid theories.

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