Thursday, August 23, 2007

By Night in Chile

Just a quick confession on how inattentive a reader i can be. In diving into Roberto Bolano's By Night in Chile, i went thirty pages before i realized that the book is not divided into paragraphs of chapter.

30 pages... i'd like to believe this is because i was enthralled by Bolano's writing, but it's more likely that i'm just a space cadet. I'm kicking myself tonight, as i accidentally left it at Kat's place, and i want to read it more than the dozens of other books in progress, or the three that arrived in the mail today. All i can think about concerning books is Father Sebastian's quest with falconry, as it was on the verge of making a statement in that arc of thought. It's surprisingly different in tone than Last Evenings on Earth if only because it's not so transparently autobiographical.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Frog!

This is Son Of Spam from the old Model Citizen...Zero Disclipline blog.

Frog, would you be kind enough to shoot me Vol. 8 of your 80s Nuggets? I managed to retrieve all previous volumes after my hard drive crashed except for that one.

I'd really appreciate it, buddy!

BTW: last time we messaged each other you said you had been working on further volumes but it got rather repetitive and tedious. I was kind of making impromptu Volumes 9 & 10 if you'd be interested in having them once they're complete.