Thursday, August 23, 2007

Who is John Galt?

...some asshole.

Naming anything the John Galt Corporation raises my hackles. Ayn Rand and objectivism disgusts me. It's always disturbed me that a few very decent, compassionate friends of mine swear that they enjoyed Atlas Shrugged. It's too overt and arrogant of a name to be that of a real front for a conspiracy, but then again, some of these bastards are so hubristic that they might believe that no one is clever enough to discern any significance to the name or that it would be a great double fake-out.

Why bother? The whole nation is being stolen out from under our noses.

Bldblg has a post on the inherent silliness of a conspiracy. The real conspiracy is that to some people who respect objectivism probably believe that 9/11 means quick profit.

The New York Times has the John Galt Corporation connected to the Gambino crime family. I wouldn't be surprised if the firm has closer ties to Bernard Kerik and Rudolph Giuliani. Kerik already has been inferred to have taken bribes from New Jersey construction firms.


Anonymous said...

As an Objectivist the name and the events surprised me.

Later seeing the type of people who chose the name, it appears that they were trying to give the corrupt corporation status by using a stellar name.

It worked - they got the contract.

But as any Objectivist will tell you, always check the facts, and here we had an enormous fraud perpetuated which would have been known had some investigation been done before going to contract.

Surely one should not try to connect the integrity of Objectivism to these types of actions. These actions are the antithesis of integrity.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Ayn Rand and Objectivism that disgusts you?

slickdpdx said...

Good story. My favorite part: "Safeway Environmental was one of the subcontractors used in the development of a new headquarters for The New York Times." Small world! I hope they've got someone doublechecking that work.