Friday, April 20, 2018

Friday morning

William S. Burroughs and the Dead-End Horror of the Centipede God. I'd skimmed this piece years before, but it's even better now.

Russian reporter Borodin dead after mystery fall. I avoid Russia stories because I don't want to fall prey to the "Putin is behind everything!" disease. However, Maxim Borodin was assassinated. He's the journalist who recently wrote about the Russian mercenaries in Syria, the Wagner Group.

Law Enforcement Has Quietly Backed Anti-Protest Bills in at Least 8 States Since Trump’s Election. The public discourse has been raging over the Second Amendment. It's a smokescreen for this. Anti-racist & environmental groups are viewed as a greater threat to the system than mass shooters.

Huckster. Elon Musk is worthless. A few months ago, he was down in Chile fooling around with the lithium market down there. Guess who's actually cornering that lithium market? Musk is a dilettante and a distraction to how the future is unfolding.

Washington State Fusion Center accidentally releases records on remote mind control. Muckrock doesn't think these are government documents but why did they have them?

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