Sunday, August 5, 2007

local politician Ackel is a crass opportunist

Over in Slidell, someone many years ago snuck a picture of Jesus (of the Eastern Orthodox varity) into a courthouse. At first, i misunderstood what the painting was, as i thought it was part of a larger display, barely noticeable. I wished that the ACLU would focus on something more relevant and forgot about it. I don't want religion preached in my courthouses, but we have bigger fish to fry these days.

Yesterday, i received a mailout from a jackass by the name of Adam Ackel, titled In God We Trust:

Dear Friends,

Most of us in Louisiana were blessed with strong traditional values. Recently, the liberal ACLU filed a lawsuit to remove the image of Jesus Christ from the Slidell Courthouse. Now, we are finding more and more liberal groups are trying to remove symbols of our faith that we grew up with and are trying to pass down to our children.

It is important government officials work to guarantee our rights as citizens to support our faith. I don't believe that we should be forced to separate our faith from our daily lives because of government interference.
Blah, blah, blah. It goes on with crap about his family. Then this ignorant thug has to audacity to ask for money for his campaign to run for state representative! He doesn't even ask for money for the suit against the ACLU. It's all about Adam Ackel pumping gullible bastards for cash!

I've now seen a photo of the painting of Jesus in question, and it's nothing like it was described to me. It has no business whatsoever in a government building. The ACLU has better things to do than to worry about that damned painting, but it galls me that this little twerp is trying to cash in on this controversy.

I don't intend to get into any arguments with Christian zealots over this, but it should be pointed out that some branches of Christianity itself find representations of Jesus to be a form of idolatry. This is why the maliciously stupid Ackel needs to shut up, as he needs to keep whatever corrupted values he has to himself, teaching them his unfortunate family in his home and church of his choice. My values are not his, and i don't want the image of Jesus hanging in the courtrooms that we are obliged to share as citizens. We might obey the same laws, but we don't have the same religious beliefs. Don't make assumptions, Ackel, and don't presume that your traditions are somehow older. Again, i assert that my family has been in the Florida Parishes over 200 hundred years. I don't give a good goddamn about what you think is traditional around here. I know better.

Oh yeah. He's a Republican. Typical.

Thanks, ACLU, for giving this scheming baboon a drum to bang on.

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