Monday, August 6, 2007

A Sunday spent reading

Nothing much is going on here. I'm having some coffee as i package a job to be shipped out.

Yesterday was a lot of aimless reading. I re-read some Borges stories, mostly from his earliest collection. I went on a tangent finally realizing that he lifted Lazarus Morrell from John Murrell when i was reading the Wikipedia entry on the book. Even though i had recently re-read Twain's Life on the Mississippi, and knew the story by heart at that point, i neglected to make the connection consciously. It was nice to make a Twain-Borges connection.

After i got proprly riled up by that Slidell Jesus political money scam, i went hunting for H.L. Mencken quotes to throw in an email to that candidate, but in truth, i have nothing to say to the man. He probably duly be elected and have a long career fleecing the electorate. After all, some of these people are the same ones who keep voting for that shyster Jindal.

So to hell with my neighbors and my native territory... and i ordered some H.L. Mencken colections.

For no apparent reason, i picked up Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and re-read it straight through. It's been a few years. (Not Through the Looking Glass though. Not yet anyway.) Now i'm on an annotation fit with that, as i don't know all of the people these characters are based upon.

Then i read a bit of of Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year. It's new to me, and the old, idiosyncratic style of capitalization threw me off.

The evening ended with me picking up Heym's The Wandering Jew, as i had misplaced it for the past couple of months, but only clunked through 50 more pages.

A steadfast reader, i am not.

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