Friday, November 16, 2007

Scientists clone first monkey embryos

Mitalipov's work was the first convincing evidence that skin cells in primates can be reprogrammed into stem cells. "This takes us several steps closer to the production of patient-specific stem cells to treat life-limiting conditions."

Perhaps i shall have fresh, new monkey eyes in the event that i do have this pre-mature onset glaucoma nonsense. Yes, the immediate future is curing disease, not growing organs in vats, i'm so it goes.


slickdpdx said...

Audiobooks or lots of bananas. Hope you like bananas...

I imagine there are enough visually impaired folks out there that the following idea might work:

I wouldn't mind reading aloud for someone else - especially if I found the books on the list interesting or something I happen to like. How about a website where visually impaired post lists (!) of books, magazine articles, etc. they'd like to get an audio on. Willing readers could scan the list for works that they'd like to read. Would have to get an IP lawyer to address the file-sharing part of the process...

tulpa golem said...

in all sincerity, i am eating bananas like there is no tomorrow.

Bill's already offered to record himself reading his books aloud. That should prove doubly entertaining.

If the internet is not broken in the next few years, it would be easy to imagine a completely audio version of the internet in some fashion, if only with a browser plug-in that announces options aloud.

Besides, i ran across a story about an old school phone phreak "swatting" people the other day, and it seemed that he was blind. If he can "wat" people, i can find a way to hear books.